Common Errors & Issues
If the answers (the try's) don't work:
Check the GitHub Issues, see if anyone else is having the same issue, and what they've done, or what they're trying.
If you know what's happening and how to fix it, either make the change on you're own fork, or ask me to make changes to the library.
If neither of those apply / work, submit a Bug Report, and i'll (or some other wicked folk) will try to help you out!
Returned class list is blank:
This issue is commonly due to the compass page not being fully loaded. Try increasing the pageDelay to mitigate the issue, or adding delay yourself.
Invalid type for school_prefix, ... not string:
This error is caused by a data type other than a string being passed into the Compass-Edu instance. Make sure that you definately are passing a string, not an object, int etc.
Invalid type for settings, ... not object:
The same as the above issue, something other than an object is being passed to Compass-Edu as settings. Make sure you are passing an object.
Compass instance not initialized:
You're trying to perform an action whilst the Compass-Edu instance isn't initialized. Try waiting for the 'initialized' event.
Unable to find the ... :
If this issue occurs, either something went wrong loading the page, or compass has changed the login page and this library won't work untill updated. Try making sure you're up to date, if that dosen't help, cry.
Unable to log in ... :
Try reading the issue, it should be decently self explanitory!
Last updated
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